I absolutely love working on book trailers. While the budgets are nowhere near the level of the other work I do, the creative partnership with author and publisher is fantastic.
For the new book from bestselling authors Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, we decided to focus on their unique collaborative process.
How to make stock footage interesting? Always a challenge and one I’ve always enjoyed.
I wrote, produced, and directed this broadcast spot for the #1 NY Times bestseller An Anonymous Girl.
For the promotion of this new thriller, I wrote and directed a trilogy of :15's.
Built a poor person's snorricam out of an old office chair, some shorty arms, and a ratchet strap. It may not be worthy of Darren Arronofsky, but worked for me!
With a mixture of shooting original footage and mixing it in with stock, I was able to make a book trailer that felt cinematic. ROLE: Writer/Producer/Director
For this YA zombie novel, I took inspiration from some of the classic Public Service Announcements from my childhood and created these "ZSA's." Zombie Service Announcements.
A perk of this industry is going into interesting places. Shooting this author profile in New York City's morgue was one for the 'books.'
I can't tell you how much I love working with stock footage. As a Producer and Director it allows you to go places that budget never would allow. For this particular Tom Clancy trailer it was a mixture, but it's pretty obvious what's filmed and what's not.
Many of the book spots I do are animations. I’m essentially given the end title page and find a way to reverse-engineer an interesting and entertaining journey to get there.
God bless Jack Ryan...and stock footage.
Just give me the gist of the book and some stock footage.
Penguin Books wanted something that felt more like a 'found footage' horror short, than a traditional trailer.